Tuesday 2 November 2010

Acclimatisation walk to Chhukung (4730 m)

This was a massive walk.  Altogether it involved a huge amount of ascent.  On reaching Chhukung, all we felt like doing was sleeping, but after lunch, we had to walk all the way back to Dengboch.

The weather all day was wonderful and we had fantastic views of the mountains all the way there and back.  Ama Dablan, Nuptsi, Lhotsi and Lhotsishar all covered in fresh snow.

We passed a memorial to The Heroes of Nupsti, that is all those who had lost their lives trying to climb this great mountain.
We saw our first baby yak at Dengboche and watched a member of the household gathering yak dung in her apron.  This will be dried and used for fuel in the winter.  Let's hope she washed her hands before cooking our evening meal!

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